In accordance with Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the Town of Granite Falls does not discriminate on the basis of disability in conducting its meetings. Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aids or services or other accommodations for effective communication and participation in a meeting may contact the Town Clerk at 828.396.3131. Requests should be made at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Persons wishing to address the Town Council during the Public Comment Period must review and abide by the Public Comment Period Guidelines.
Persons wishing to address the Town Council during a Public Hearing must review and abide by the Public Hearing Guidelines.
On Monday, September 9th, the Granite Falls Fire Department will be conducting a live burn training exercise at a house located at 19 Pine Street.
Traffic closures will be in effect on Pine Street from just past Cascade Lane to Falls Avenue on the side where the Baird House Transportation Museum is located, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. No other traffic interruptions are expected.
The structure will be burned to its foundation, but smoldering embers will be visible inside the foundation after the training exercise is completed.
Residents in this area that have breathing difficulties should keep their windows closed and their HVAC systems off during this time frame. Town residents should not be alarmed to see a column of smoke from this area during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Granite Falls Fire Department at 396-2379.